Tuesday, November 4, 2014

This Mom's Devotions

Having young children can make it challenging to find time to do anything other than change diapers, feed a hungry toddler, nurse a screaming baby, train the toddler who is curious and gets into everything, wipe snotty noses, wash load after load of laundry... How am I ever going to find time, uninterrupted time, to spend with the Lord?  I miss those pre-mommy days when I could wake up and sit on the couch for an hour with my Bible and a hot cup of coffee in hand.  This was a struggle for me until the Lord faithfully revealed how I could spend time with Him in the middle of my fun, wild and crazy day with my two little guys. 
  1. Read the children's Bible to my boys-  The Bible stories in Connor and Joel's Bible are simple yet still packed with truth for people of any age.  I not only want to instill God's truth in their lives, but it is a great way to be reminded of the basics that are explained so simply for little ones.
  2. Play worship music throughout the day-  It keeps the fragrance of the Lord in the home all day and helps me keep my focus and attitude right.  It is really fun to hear a little boy's cute voice sing "Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee. How great Thou art" (which is Connor's favorite song right now).  We also enjoy Seeds Family Worship, which not only teaches and reminds me of scripture, but Connor is starting to learn God's Word through song.
  3. Post scripture verses throughout the house.
  4. Leave my Bible, Bible study and prayer journal on the kitchen table, open and ready for whenever I can steal a minute.
Phases of life come and go.  The boys will be grown up before I know it, and I'll be able to have more focused time with the Lord again.  But no matter what life's circumstances, I'm thankful that the Lord meets me right where I am!

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